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Adding a Course Topic for VETM Phase 1-3 Courses

What is the course topic?

The course topic is an additional question option during the Question Personalization (QP) step for all Phase 1 to Phase 3 VETM courses.

As VETM courses often have multiple instructors throughout the semester, it is also possible that multiple Student Feedback Questionnaires (SFQs) will be sent out. Adding the course topic to your SFQ will help refresh the student’s memory and ensure they are filling out the feedback for the correct instructor. The course topic should provide a summary of the content covered during your section of the course being surveyed.


How do I add my course topic?

  1. Two weeks prior to the opening of the questionnaire to students, you will receive an automated email from Student Feedback Admin (sfqadmin@uoguelph.ca) alerting you to the opening of the QP window. There will be a link to Blue within the email. Click on the link. You will arrive on a page that will indicate the name of the questionnaire to which you are adding the questions.
Location of course name on Blue Question Personalization (QP) task list
  1. Click on the course you would like to add the course topic to.
  2. You will be provided with a list of all available questions categorized the same way as the question bank. For the course topic question, you will have the option to:
    1. Preview a question. This expands the question so you can view how it will display to students.
    2. Customize. This allows you to enter your course topic.
Location of the Show question previews (1-a) and Customize (1-b) buttons when selecting personalized questions
  1. After clicking on Customize, you will be able to:.
    1. Enter your course topic in the Question field box. The course topic should provide students with a clear understanding of the section of the course they are providing feedback on.
    2. Click on the X to save your changes.
Location of the customizable question field box editor (1-a) and X buttons (1-b)
  1. You will then see the Include button turn to green. This indicates the course topic question is included in the QP selection.
    1. Include(d): Click on include to add a question.
    2. Exclude(d): Click on exclude to remove a question your previously selected.
Location of the include/exclude toggle button turning green when selected
  1. If you would like to add additional QP questions, you can do so now by including/excluding other questions. More information on the standard QP process can be found on Question Personalization in Blue.
  2. Once your have added your course topic, scroll to either the top of bottom of the page to Save and Submit your course topic.
    1. Save: Allows you to save you work if you need to stop and come back to the process later.
    2. Submit: Confirms your choices and will add your additional question to the feedback questionnaire.
    3. Update: Allows you to update your selection if previously edited. Please note, this option only appears if you have previously submitted your QP choices.
  3. A popup confirmation of your changes will be shown at the bottom left of the screen.

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