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Monitor Response Rates in Blue


While Student Feedback Questionnaires are open to students, both Instructors and Student Feedback Coordinators (SFCs) can monitor the response rates within Blue. Monitoring response rates while questionnaires are open provides important information that Instructors and SFCs can use to determine if additional communications with students are necessary to improve response rates and when those communications are best timed. 

Two options are available for viewing response rate information depending upon the data you are looking to view.

  • Option 1 – Individual course response rate: Provides very basic data around the number of invitations, responses, and response rate for an individual course.

  • Option 2 – Response rate dashboard: Provides aggregated data for all courses an Instructor or SFC is associated with. If you are associated with multiple courses, the results can be filtered to provide detailed data for a specific course.


Individual Course Response Rate

Once a questionnaire you are associated with has opened to students, you will receive an automated email from Student Feedback Admin. Within this email will be a link to Blue to view response rate information for your course(s) with active questionnaires.

You can also login to Blue directly by going to https://feedback.uoguelph.ca and signing in using your central login id and password. Access to view the course response rate will be found under Tasks.

The response rate page for an individual course includes information on when the questionnaire is closed to students, number of students invited, number of students who started completing the questionnaire, number of students responded, and the response rate.

Example of the individual course response rate dashboard on Blue showing number of students invited, number of completed and in progress student feedback questionnaires and the response rate.

Response Rate Dashboard

  1. From the Blue homepage, select Response Rates from the left side navigation.
Location of the Response Rate link on the navigation menu in Blue
  1. Subject Filters: Allows you to limit the data shown in the response rate dashboard using course data (e.g., course name, survey start date, etc.) to provide a useful view. For example, only view courses that have open questionnaires by selecting a specific survey start date. The subject filter will apply to all sections of the response rate dashboard.
  2. Overall Response Status: Provides an aggregate view of response rates across all courses you are associated with or displayed based on the subject filter set above. Responses will be categorized as the following:
    1. Completed: Questionnaires that have been submitted
    2. In Progress: Questionnaires that have been started but not submitted
    3. Not Completed: Questionnaires that are available but not started
    4. Not Ready: Questionnaires that have not opened yet
    5. Expired: Questionnaires that were not completed before the survey end date

  3. Subject Progress and Performance: Provides a graphical representation of all the courses (subjects) you are associated with and the course response rate throughout the questionnaire completion window. This helps to identify course with lower response rates towards the end of the questionnaire completion window.
Locations of Subject Filters (2), Overall Response Rate Status (3), and Subject Progress and Performance (4).
  1. Subjects: Provides a listing of all the courses you are associated with. Data within the table can be sorted by any of the columns (e.g., SurveyStartDate, Response Rate, etc.). Use the left-right scroll bar to view all available categories. Response Rate can be found on the far right.
  2. Group by: Allows you to further aggregate the response rate data based off shared characteristics (e.g., survey start date).
  3. Subjects per page: SFCs may wish to expand the number of courses they can see on a single page. This option can be adjusted to 25, 50, or 100 in the bottom-right corner.
Locations of Subjects (5), Group by (6) and Subjects per page (7).
  1. Response Analytics: This section provides more detailed information on the responses generated for questionnaires you have access to. Within this block, you can filter the length of time you wish to review. The default shows the last 2 weeks.
  2. Progression Details: Shows students responses (green) in relation to system generated notifications (purple).
Location of the Response Analytics filters (8) and the Progression Details (9).
  1. Peak Hours: Shows when students are most often completing questionnaires
  2. Peak Days: Show the peak day(s) of the week when students complete the questionnaires. Please note, this will likely be influenced by when students receive invitations and reminders.

Example of the Pear Hours graph (10) and the Peak Days graph (11).
  1. Channels: Provides information on how students are accessing their questionnaires to complete them.
    1. Email: Link from invitation or reminder email
    2. Dashboard: Signing into Blue & selecting from task list or completing multiple questionnaires in a row.
    3. Portal: Via CourseLink
  2. Browsers: Information on the browser used to complete the questionnaire is available.
  3. Operating Systems: Information on the operating system used to complete the questionnaire is available.
Example of data displayed in pie charts for Channels (12), Browsers (13), and Operating Systems (14).

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