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Student Feedback Dashboard in Blue


Blue Dashboard represents greatly increased access to both response data and analytics, ensuring that meaningful data insight is more accessible than ever before.  

The individual dashboard is a self-viewed dashboard. The responses displayed in this dashboard belong to the instructor directly and can only be viewed by the specific instructor. 

The individual dashboard empowers users with an independent analysis tool they can use to identify meaningful continuous improvement opportunities.


Accessing Blue to View Dashboard

Each semester will be added to the dashboard after reports are made available. 

You can also log in to Blue directly by going to https://feedback.uoguelph.ca and signing in using your central login account. 

  1. Log in to Blue

  2. From the Blue homepage, select Dashboards from the left side navigation.

Location of the Dashboards button on the Blue navigation panel

Questions – Trend view

Users can view a summary trend for all the available Questions. The average score for each time period is plotted on a graph. Users can filter, breakdown or dig deeper into demographics for further analysis by checking demographics filters on the left-hand side or selecting a value on the graph.

Location of the: Time range (1), Compare (2), view switch (3), feature bar (4), trend view (5), View Details (6), question node (7), and graph view (8) buttons on Blue dashboard
  1. Time range: Adjust the time periods being displayed. All data within this time range will be included in the trend charts. A maximum of nine time periods can be selected within a time range.
    1. Time scale: Multiple time scales can be utilized by the dashboard (i.e., year-based time periods, or semester-based time periods).
    2. Time range selection: Time ranges can be adjusted as required. Changes will be applied once Apply is clicked. Click to select or deselect a time period. The dashboard is refreshed each time the range is updated.
    3. Time range drop-down: Time periods can be selected or excluded. Click Apply to update the dashboard.
    4. Selected time period: Use the left or right arrow buttons to move the selected time period or jump to a specific time period by clicking the current time period.
Location of the time scale (1-a), time range semester selection (1-b), time period selection (1-c), and time period question view (1-d) buttons on Blue dashboard
  1. Compare: Compare course data based on selected demographics. Select an attribute to plot it on the graph.
    1. Select comparison criteria which can span across multiple dimensions, then click Apply to update the dashboard based on your comparison criteria.
    2. The course names are automatically listed and grouped alphabetically in the comparison criteria.
Example of how to compare course data based on selected demographics on Blue dashboard
  1. Switch views between the Questions view or the Course view.
  2. Feature bar:
    1. Pop-out the Dashboard in a new tab or window.
    2. Select the (i) icon to display an information message
    3. Add a bookmark by clicking the bookmark icon
  3. Trend view of the different Questions within the time range selected.
  4. Questions: Consult a trend view of all the Dashboard Questions that make up the selected Questions.
  5. Select a node on a Questions trend chart to drill down into a comparison with subjects of the Questions for that specific time period.
  6. Select the graph icon to switch the default line chart to a vertical bar chart.

Display settings

Navigate to the dashboard settings to add or remove additional statistics from the dashboard. 

The default statistic is the statistic that all the trend charts and course summary details initially load. The display statistics can be enabled or disabled. If they are disabled, they will not appear on the course summary pages or other areas of the dashboard.

View of the question statistics summary on Blue dashboard

Courses – Listing view

The course listing view displays all the courses for a particular time period and the default statistic for each question along with other key metrics. Analyze further by selecting a course. Courses can be sorted in either ascending or descending order based on the default statistic or course name.

List view of the individual statistics for each student feedback course question

Courses – Details

When selecting a course, a breakdown of all question responses is presented allowing users to view detailed information about a course.

  1. Questions: Shows a breakdown of all the questions and their statistics to determine a rating value. 

  2. Comments: When there are open-ended questions in a questionnaire, the full comment is displayed in this section.

View of detailed breakdown of student feedback question responses and comments
  1. View question details below the question summary on the subject - details page and switch between the table view and the chart view by selecting the toggle button.
Location of table view and chart view switch button

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