
For Instructors


About SFQlink

Student Feedback Questionnaires (SFQ) require relationship data to connect the instructional team (Instructors and TAs) to the courses they teach. At the University of Guelph, the SFQlink Tool was designed to allow Student Feedback Coordinators (SFCs) to create this crucial relationship data. 

The SFQlink tool allows SFCs to: 

  • Link Instructors and TAs to their courses,

  • Group course sections together based on reporting needs, 

  • Indicate which questionnaires will be paper-based, 

  • Update questionnaire dates for non-12-week courses, and 

  • Verify the above data is complete & accurate for the semester.


Accessing SFQlink

SFQlink can be accessed by departmental SFCs from the following link: https://sfqlink.opened.uoguelph.ca/ 

Sign in with your organizational account credentials.  

Note: If you are already signed into an account for your personal email, you may need to switch accounts. If you receive an error message, please sign out and then sign back in with the appropriate credentials. 

You will be able to confirm your account at the top of the landing page. 


Support Resources

The following support resources provide information to assist with the most common actions taken within the SFQlink tool.


Related Tools

Included below are links to other tools that are related to Student Feedback Questionnaires.