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SFQlink Mapping Scenarios


This page provides guidance on common mapping scenarios for the SFQlink Tool.


Best Practices

  • Before beginning your mappings, make sure you have an up-to-date list of the instructors and TAs requiring inclusion for each course. There may be additional names added to CourseLink courses (i.e., course coordinators, administrators, support staff, etc.) that should not be included.

  • For team-taught courses, all instructors will need to agree on the delivery of the questionnaire (i.e., online or paper).

  • Sections can be mapped multiple times. After the first mapping is completed, any subsequent mappings will append the current date & time to the mapping name to make it unique.



  1. Single lecture-based class with no lab/seminar: This will appear as a single section in the mapping tool. No special grouping is needed.

Example of how to map a single selection course on SFQlink.
  1. Single lecture-based class with multiple lab/seminar sections: As all students are in the same lecture group, all sections should be grouped together to provide the instructor(s) with a single report for the course. Students will be provided the option to select the TA which they wish to provide feedback for.

    Option 1: All instructors & TAs in a single mapping.

    You would only need to map all the sections once. When you map the parent section (01), it automatically includes all the subsections (0101, 0102, etc.). When students go to complete the questionnaire, they will be able to select the TA they wish to provide feedback on. This allows students to only provide feedback on the TA they know, but can be challenging if students don't remember the name of their TA. To help with this, there is an option to upload instructor (and TA) images. This puts a small picture beside the instructor or TA names helping students to recognize who each person is. This is completely optional.

    Option 2: Map instructor to parent & map TAs to subsections

    Students will only be able to provide feedback on the TA associated with their subsection. To set this up, map the instructor to the parent section first. Then repeat the process for each TA. You can select the appropriate subsections by opening up the accordion menu associated with the parent section. SFQlink will indicate that the sections have been previously mapped, but this is just there as a warning in case multiple mappings for a course are not necessary.
Example of how to map multiple subsections to a course on SFQlink.
  1. Large course with multiple lecture sections taught by the same instructor: Depending on the instructor preference, this course could be mapped to group all sections into one report or create separate reports for each lecture grouping (i.e., individual reports for M/W/F 8:30-9:20 and T/TH 10:00-11:20).
Example of how to map multiple sections on SFQlink.
  1. Large course with multiple lecture sections taught by different instructors: This course should be mapped to allow each instructor to receive a report for the lecture section(s) they teach. A mapping can be created for each required section to allow for separate reports. For example, if instructor A is teaching section 01 and instructor B is teaching section 02, map each of those separately.
Example of how to assign different sections to different instructors on SFQlink.
  1. Cross-listed courses: (i.e., CHEM/TOX*3360 W21) Each section will be mapped separately. These will generate separate reports based on the students’ enrollment. Each SFC will be responsible for mapping the section(s) belonging to their department.
  2. Interdisciplinary courses (i.e., TOX, NEUR, etc.): As interdisciplinary courses may change host department; please ensure you are the SFC responsible for that course. If you find a course that should be within your department has already been mapped by another SFC, please reach out to CourseLink Support.
  3. Courses with “empty” sections (i.e., course structure change after the initial addition): Ensure all sections associated with a course in SFQlink are mapped to avoid any discrepancies.
  4. Distance Education courses: Map all DE and OLP sections taught by the same instructor together.
Example of how to map both DE and OLP sections together on SFQlink.
  1. Full-year courses: Create the mapping during the final semester the course is offered. It does not matter if the 2-semester course has a single course code or two codes.
  2. Team Taught courses: The mapping strategy will depend on how the instructors share the teaching.
    1. If instructors teach in distinct blocks (e.g., instructor 1 teaches weeks 1-6 and instructor 2 teaches weeks 7-12), create mappings for each instructor at the end of their teaching block. Any TAs should be included in the mapping scheduled to run at the end of the course.
    2. If the instructors alternate their teaching throughout the semester, create a single mapping including all members of the instructional team together.
    3. If the instructors are from multiple departments/schools, instructors can be mapped together by a single SFC or individually by each unit's SFC. SFCs should coordinate to ensure all instructors are mapped only once.


If you have questions or a scenario that is not listed here, you please contact CourseLink Support for assistance.


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