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Crop & Resize Instructor Images for SFQlink


Instructor images that are uploaded via the SFQlink tool for use in Blue must be a specific size (40x40 pixels). This page provides step-by-step instructions on how to crop and resize images using Windows Photos.

Please see the Manage instructor images in SFQlink page for detailed instructions on how to add the properly sized image to Blue via SFQlink.


How to crop and resize an image for use in SFQlink

  1. Locate the image file, right-click on it, choose Open with, and select Photos
Example of how to open an image with Windows Photos.
  1. Use the Crop icon to open the cropping options.

Location of the Crop icon in Windows Photos.
  1. Use the Aspect ratio drop-down and select Square
Location of Aspect ratio and Square options in Windows Photos.
  1. Move the image as required to centre the face in the square, then select Save a copy to save the square version to your computer
How to move the crop square and save a copy.
  1. Resize the image by right-clicking on it in Windows Photos, then selecting Resize
Example of the right-click menu and the location of the Resize option.
  1. Select Define custom dimensions
Location of the Define custom dimensions option.
  1. Set the dimensions to a Width of 40 and a Height of 40, then select Save resized copy (this will be the file you can upload for the instructor via the SFQlink tool)
Location of the width and height options as well as the Save revised copy option.

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