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Create a Mapping in SFQlink


Student Feedback Questionnaires (SFQ) require relationship data to connect the instructional team (Instructors and TAs) to the courses they teach. At the University of Guelph, the SFQlink Tool was designed to allow Student Feedback Coordinators (SFCs) to create this crucial relationship data. 

The SFQlink tool allows SFCs to: 

  • Link Instructors and TAs to their courses,

  • Group course sections together based on reporting needs, 

  • Indicate which questionnaires will be paper-based, 

  • Update questionnaire dates for non-12-week courses, and 

  • Verify the above data is complete & accurate for the semester. 


Accessing SFQlink

SFQlink can be accessed from the following url: https://sfqlink.opened.uoguelph.ca/ 

Sign in with your organizational account credentials.  

Note: If you are already signed into an account for your email, you may need to switch accounts. If you receive an error message, please sign out and then sign back in with the appropriate credentials. 

You will be able to confirm your account at the top of the landing page. 


Create a Mapping

  1. On the landing page are two mapping options: create a mapping or update a mapping. Select Create a mapping.
Location of the create a mapping button
  1. To search for the course you want to map, select the semester (i.e., S21), course prefix (i.e., MBG), and course code (i.e., 3350).
  2. Once this information is entered, select Next to continue.
Location of the semester, course prefix, and course code options as well as the Next button
  1. On the next screen, you will be provided with a list of section offerings for this course. The number and structure will depend on the course (i.e., lecture alone, lecture + lab, etc.) Sections should be grouped based on the required reporting structure. (e.g., All 3 sections will be grouped together as they have the same lecture component.) For more information see SFQlink Mapping Scenarios.
  2. Click Next to continue.
Location of the list of sections in the SFQlink tool, as well as the location of the Next button
  1. Evaluation by paper: By default, the selection is No. This will result in the questionnaire being delivered online. If a paper-based questionnaire is required, select Yes.
  2. OVC Phase Course: Indicates whether the course is part of Phase 1, 2, or 3 of the Veterinary Medicine program. If you believe your course has been misassigned, please reach out to CourseLink Support for assistance.
  3. Survey Start/End Date: For each course, the default survey start and end dates correspond to standard 12-week courses for the semester. If the mapping is for a course that is not in this format, please update to the final two weeks of the course.
    1. i.e., For Summer 21, a 6-week course would have a start date of June 13, 2021 and an end date of June 27, 2021.
  4. Mapping name: The mapping name is created automatically from the course code and course name. For mappings that contain course sections already mapped, the name will be appended with the current date and time.
    1. Note: If you are mapping a course and find the sections are already mapped, but you believe they should not be, please reach out to CourseLink Support for assistance identifying the original mapping.
Locations of the Evaluation by Paper, OVC Phase Course, Survey Start and End Dates, and Mapping Name options
  1. Mapped CourseLink Site: Identified the CourseLink site that SFQlink has pulled instructor and TA information from. If no course sites use the course section information, none will be listed. If multiple CourseLink sites use the course section information, you can select the most appropriate site. To update:
    1. Select the appropriate site from the dropdown list.
    2. Click Refresh list to the right of Add Users from CourseLink.
  2. Add Users from CourseLink: To select individuals from the list, choose whether they are sessionals (TAs are automatically set to Yes), click Add. These individuals will then populate the Mapped User list. Please note that CourseLink course sites may include additional people who should not be included for the SFQ or may not reflect their correct role.
  3. NEW: SFCs will be able to view sessional and TA reports in SFQ (Explorance Blue).
  4. Add Users from the Central Directory: In some cases, you may need to add a person who is not associated with the course in CourseLink, associated with the incorrect role, or a CourseLink site is not associated with this mapping.
    1. To add, begin typing the person's name or email. Once the list has narrowed down sufficiently, select their name.
    2. Select the appropriate role (Instructor or TA) and sessional indicator.
    3. Click Add.
  5. Mapped Users: This section will begin to populate as your add users to the mapping. If a person is incorrectly added, they can be removed by clicking Remove beside their name.
  6. To finished the process, click Create the mapping.

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If you're still having trouble, please contact the CourseLink Support team for assistance.


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