For Instructors



CEVAL is a homegrown solution for obtaining student feedback on courses. CEVAL will not be available for most courses after Summer 2021. As a result, the University needed to select a new enterprise system that will provide greater functionality and increased flexibility and meet the institution’s commitment to teaching and learning. The University engaged in a request for proposals (RFP) process, and the result of that process is a contract with Explorance for their enterprise-class product, Blue.

For detailed background information on the SFQ Project, please visit OpenEd’s Student Feedback Questionnaires (SFQ) Project page.


CEVAL Support

CCS is responsible for supporting the CEVAL service. Please visit CCS’s Course Evaluations (CEVAL) page for more information.

CCS will also provide instructions and support to student feedback coordinators (SFCs), formally known as course evaluation coordinators (CECs), for accessing legacy data contained within that system.

CEVAL will continue operation in a limited capacity for departments receiving approval from the AVPA’s office until it is decommissioned at the start of Summer 2022.