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Verifying SFQ Paper Questionnaires


After uploading the scanned questionnaires, the responses must be verified. The verification process removes invalid responses, such as multiple options selected, or missing signatures. This ensures only valid data is being exported for reports.


Verifying Paper Questionnaires

  1. Click on Web Verification Station from the list of available web stations to begin the verification process.

Location of the Web Verification Station on the ABBYY homepage
    a. The Queue tab shows all ongoing verification and export tasks that still require attention. The Batches tab shows all created batches that have been sent.
Location of the Queues and Batches tabs on ABBYY navigation page
    b. Click on Get Task to begin verifying your batches.
Location of the Get Task button on the ABBYY verification queue page

This will open a pending batch. To send the batch to export, click on the green checkmark button.

Location of the green checkmark button to confirm the batch verification.

If you try to send off a batch with verification errors, a popup appears informing you that there are errors.

Example of an error popup message on ABBYY informing that there are still verification errors present in the batch.

If there is a page with a verification error, it will contain a red flag alongside the page title. All errors need to be corrected before it can be exported.

Double click on the page to correct the errors.

Location of the red flag alongside the page title when verifying pages on ABBYY

The list of verification errors will show in a box at the bottom right.

  • Examples of errors that could occur is having more than one option selected for a question, or a missing signature.
Example of the verification error box on ABBYY

Clicking on the error line will take you to a location where verification is required on the navigation pane above.

Location of the verification error line on ABBYY

Each checkbox corresponds to the checkbox on the questionnaire of the same location and question.

An error occurring in this example is "Q 1-5: More than 1 bubble cannot be marked". This is because Q1 has 2 options selected. This can be fixed by deselecting the options in the corresponding checkboxes and then saving the changes. This allows these invalid options to be omitted from the results.

Example of a multiple selection verification error highlighted red, turning green after being corrected

This is repeated for all similar errors.

Another error occurring is "Agree Signature: If Agree Marked then Signature must be present", meaning the student has selected "I agree" to give permission to send off signed comments, but failed to include their signature. Since a signature is required for this option, you will have to change their selection from agree to disagree to pass this verification test.

Example of missing signature verification error being changed from Agree to Disagree checkbox
    c. A revalidation check can be prompted by clicking on Check Rules at the top of the navigation pane.
Location of the Check Rules button on ABBYY
    d. Once all verification errors have been corrected, click on the green checkmark button to complete the verification task, and send the batch to export.
Location of the green checkmark button to confirm verified batch on ABBYY
  1. Continue to the export stage.


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