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Uploading SFQ Paper Questionnaires


All paper questionnaires need to be uploaded to ABBYY at the follow link: https://usa.flexicapture.com/FlexiCapture12/login/University_of_Guelph#/Login


Uploading Paper Questionnaires

  1. Scan all questionnaires into a folder, saving the Instructor and TA feedback forms into separate folders. Scan with the highest possible resolution (600 DPI recommended) and using the same scanner.

  2. Log into the ABBYY webpage using your organizational account SSO credentials by clicking the Login with UofG SSO button.

Location of the Log In with UofG SSO button on the ABBYY login page.
  1. Click on Web Scanning Station from the list of available web stations to begin the uploading process.
Location of the Web Scanning Station button on the ABBYY homepage.
       If prompted, download, and install the scanning plugin with PDF support to continue.
Location of the Scanning plugin with PDF support selection when downloading ABBYY plugin
  1. After the scanning plugin has been successfully installed, you should be able to begin uploading batches. A batch should consist of a collection of feedbacks that have been previously scanned. Course scans can be uploaded together, but each batch should be separated by Instructor and TA forms.
    1. Click on Add from folder from the heading list and upload the questionnaires needed for that batch.
Location of the Add from folder button on the ABBYY scanning navigation page
       b. Click on the Page Viewer tab to view individual pages.
Location of the Page Viewer button on the individual page view on ABBYY
       To view a specific page, select the page on the left navigation pane.
Location of where to select a specific page to view on ABBYY
       To delete a page from the batch, select the page and then click on the garbage icon. Confirm by clicking DELETE when prompted.
Location of the garbage icon to delete a page from a batch on ABBYY
       To change a page orientation, select the page and then click the rotating arrow icon.
Location of the rotating arrow icon on ABBYY to change a page orientation
       c. Once satisfied with any changes, click on the green checkmark button to send off the batch. Alternatively, click on the X button to close the batch, to send at a later time.
Location of the green checkmark button to confirm uploaded batch.
       d. Once the batch has been sent, you can view the upload progress by returning to the main scanning webpage screen. The batches are named automatically, based on the username, date, and time uploaded.
Location of the upload status progress tab on ABBYY
       If there is nothing to show, then the batch has finished uploading.
       e. To access a previously created batch, that has yet to be sent, from the main scanning webpage, click on the name from the batch list. Alternatively, batches can also be sent off or deleted here by selecting the batch, and then clicking the respective option below.
Location of the selected batch name and the Send and Delete buttons on the ABBYY scanning page
       f. Repeat these steps for all the required batches.
  1. Return to Account Settings by clicking your username at the top right, and then Account settings from the dropdown list.
Location of the Account settings button on the dropdown list at the top right on ABBYY
  1. Continue to the verification stage.


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