iClicker Assignments


About iClicker Assignments

iClicker assignments are primarily designed to be facilitated outside of class time (asynchronous). For more synchronous activities, access iClicker Polls and iClicker Quizzes.


Creating an Assignment

To create an assignment, please follow these steps:

  1. Create your presentation/lesson material.
  2. Create a separate slide for each iClicker question in your presentation.
  3. Export the presentation to a PDF.
    Note: The entire slide deck can be uploaded to iClicker Cloud for the assignment, or you can create a duplicate of the presentation and delete the slides without questions to upload to the assignment on iClicker Cloud.
  4. Sign in to the iClicker Cloud instructor website.
  5. Navigate to Assignments in the menu.
Assignments tab on the iClicker Cloud navigation menu has a box around it.
  1. Select Create.
On the Assignments iClicker Cloud webpage, the Create button has a box around it.
  1. Enter the assignment details, including the following: (1) Assignment Name (e.g., Polynomial Expansion), (2) Available Date and Time as well as the Due Date and Time, (3) Assignment Performance (i.e., points for correct response, points for responding), (4) Add Your Questions (upload the PDF of your presentation), and (5) Select Next.
New assignment details labelled 1. Assignment Name, 2. Available Date and Time as well as the Due Date and Time, 3. Assignment Performance, 4. Add Your Questions, 5. Next button.

Formatting an Assignment

Once the document is uploaded, you can begin to format the assignment. Formatting options include the following:

  1. Select Edit Alt Text to type your question and provide relevant information displayed on the slide. Learn more information about alt texts in iClicker Cloud.

  2. Select the Question Type for each slide.

  3. If the question is being graded, provide the Correct Answer for each question.
    Note: Questions can also be graded after the assignment is complete by visiting the assignment’s Details page.

  4. If you need to delete slides, click the trash icon for the corresponding slide.

  5. Click Create Assignment when you are done.

Create assignment menu on iClicker Cloud with labels: 1. Edit Alt Text, 2. Question Type, 3. Correct Answer (Optional), 4. trash icon, 5. Create Assignment button.

Managing an Assignment

To review your assignment, navigate to the Assignments tab on the iClicker Cloud instructor website and proceed with the following steps:

  1. Active assignments will appear under the Active Assignments tab.

  2. Assignments that have passed their due dates will appear under the Past Assignments tab.

  3. To delete an assignment, select the box next to the assignment name, then click Delete.

  4. To copy an assignment for reuse, select the box next to the assignment name, then click Copy. Access more information about copying iClicker Assignments.

  5. Assignments that are available to students will be labelled Open beside the Available Date.

  6. The submissions column indicates how many students have submitted their assignments.

Assignment menu in iClicker Cloud with labels: 1. Current Assignments, 2. Past Assignments, 3. Delete, 4. Copy, 5. Open status, 6. Submissions (e.g., 0/3).

Viewing, Editing, and Grading an Assignment

To view or edit your assignment, follow these steps:

  1. Under the Assignment tab on the iClicker Cloud instructor website, select the assignment you want to edit.
  1. Select the three dots to edit the assignment settings.
When the three dots are selected, you can select Assignment Settings.
  1. View student grades and responses by selecting the Grades tab.
The Grades tab on the Assignment webpage has a box around it.
  1. Click on a question to grade the question, edit the correct answer(s), and/or replace the question image.
Question 1 has been selected so that properties can be changed.

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iClicker Support

If you need further assistance, please contact CourseLink Support.