iClicker Quizzes


About iClicker Quizzes

iClicker Quizzes are facilitated during class time. Students navigate through the quiz and respond to questions at their own pace.

iClicker quizzes are a good option for replacing traditional written quizzes in class. This activity can be used when you are teaching synchronously online, on-site, or a combination of the two. Unlike iClicker polls, iClicker quizzes allow students to navigate through a set of questions at their own pace.

There are two ways to administer a quiz using iClicker Cloud. You can either select Quick Start or select a pre-created quiz. The type of quiz that you choose to use will be influenced by a few factors. First, quick start quizzes only consist of multiple choice questions; whereas pre-created quizzes have multiple choice questions and/or short answer questions. Additionally, quick start quiz questions cannot be randomized; meanwhile, pre-created quiz questions can be randomized. Finally, question images/screenshots are not associated with quick start quiz questions; however, students have access to images associated with pre-created quiz questions.

The method of grading will also depend on whether you select a quick start quiz or a pre-created quiz. With a quick start quiz, you can grade submissions immediately after the quiz is finished or you can grade items at a later date. If you pre-create a quiz, then the associated answer key will be used to evaluate the submissions automatically. iClicker quizzes also have the option to include general feedback for each question.


Facilitating a Quick Start Quiz

iClicker quizzes are facilitated in class by launching the iClicker Cloud desktop app. Select Start Class for the session you want to facilitate.

The Start Class button has a box around it on the iClicker Cloud desktop app.

After launching the app, select the Quiz icon.

iClicker Cloud desktop app menu. The Quiz icon has a box around it and an arrow pointing to it.

If you have not pre-created any quizzes, the Quick Start menu will automatically appear. If you have pre-created quizzes, you have the option of selecting a pre-created quiz or launching a Quick Start quiz.

Quiz Setup pop-up menu with Create a Quick Start Quiz selected.

When you select Quick Start Quiz, the following information will need to be entered in the quiz details section:

  1. Quiz Name: Provide a name for the quiz.

  2. Number of Questions: Input the number of questions for your quiz. For a Quick Start Quiz, the question type is limited to multiple choice.

  3. Scoring: Enter the number of points for a correct response and the number of points for responding.

  4. Results Sharing: Determine whether you will share results with students after the quiz has ended or if you do not want to share the results with students.

  5. Select Start Quiz.
    Note: Once you start the quiz, the timer will start automatically. (The timer counts up.)

Quiz Setup menu for Quick Start Quiz.

Reviewing Quick Start Quiz Results

When you wish to stop the quiz, complete the following:

  1. Select the stop button to end the quiz.
    Note: You cannot restart the quiz once you have ended the quiz.
iClicker Cloud desktop app menu with a box around the stop button.
  1. A popup will ask you whether you want to end the quiz. Select End Quiz.
End quiz pop up with a box around the End Quiz button.
  1. Select the Results icon.
The Results icon has a box around it in the iClicker Cloud desktop app.
  1. Select the View Answers & Results button.
Quiz Results pop up with a box around View Answers & Results.
  1. After selecting View Answers & Results, you can navigate between quiz questions and select an answer choice for each question to represent the correct answer. Questions will be marked as graded or ungraded.
    Note: You can select multiple correct answers for each question.
Question 2 is selected and marked as Graded. The number of responses for the question is displayed.
  1. You can provide feedback by toggling between the Responses and Feedback tabs for each question.
The Feedback tab is selected for Question 2. "The correct response is A because..." is typed in the feedback box.
  1. To switch to another activity, select the left arrow button beside the timer.
The left arrow in the iClicker Cloud desktop app has a box around it.
  1. When you have finished teaching, select the End button.
The End button in the iClicker Cloud desktop app has a box around it.

Accessing Quick Start Quizzes After Class

To access Quick Start quizzes after class, log into the iClicker Cloud instructor website and navigate to your course. You can view results from Quick Start quizzes from the Class History tab.

The Class History tab in the iClicker Cloud menu has a box around it.

Designing a Pre-Created Quiz

iClicker has a PDF template and a PowerPoint template available for creating a pre-created quiz.

To pre-create a quiz before a class session, complete the following steps:

Log in to the iClicker Cloud instructor website and select Quizzes from the navigation bar.

The Quizzes tab in the iClicker Cloud menu has a box around it.

Select Create.

The Create button on the Upcoming Quizzes page has a box around it.

Provide the following details:

  1. Quiz Name

  2. Scoring

  3. Results Sharing

  4. Randomization

  5. Questions (upload questions as a PDF with each question on its own page. Landscape layout is recommended).

Quiz pop up menu with labels: 1. Quiz Name, 2. Scoring, 3. Results Sharing, 5. Questions.

Select Next.

The Next button on the create new quiz pop up has a box around it.

You will be able to edit the following properties:

  1. Select Edit Alt Text to type your question and provide relevant information displayed on the slide. Learn more information about alt texts in iClicker Cloud.

  2. Edit the Question Type for each page (multiple choice or short answer).

  3. (Optional) Identify the Correct Answer for each question.

  4. Remove any pages that do not have questions (e.g., references, introduction slide) by selecting the Trash icon.

  5. Select Create Quiz.

Create Quiz page with labels: 1. Edit Alt Text, 2. Question Type, 3. Correct Answer (Optional), 4. Trash icon, 5. Create Quiz.

You can add additional information to the quiz by following these steps:

  1. Select Quizzes on the navigation bar.
The Quizzes tab in the iClicker Cloud menu has a box around it.
  1. Click on the quiz you want to edit.
Upcoming Quizzes page. Chapter 1 Quiz has a box around it.
  1. Select the slide for the question you want to edit.
The Question 2 thumbnail has a box around it.
  1. You can edit (1) The page that is displayed for each question, (2) The number of points per response, and (3) Add feedback for each question.
Question 1 properties labelled: 1. Pencil icon, 2. Points, 3. Feedback tab

Now, when you activate a class using iClicker Cloud and select Quiz, you will see any pre-created quizzes on the Quiz Setup menu.


Facilitating a Pre-Created Quiz

To facilitate a pre-created quiz in class, complete the following steps:

  1. Launch iClicker Cloud and select Start Class.
iClicker Cloud desktop app. The Start Class button has a box around it.
  1. Select Quiz.
iClicker Cloud desktop app menu. The Quiz icon has a box around it and an arrow pointing to it.
  1. Under the Quiz Setup menu, select the pre-created quiz you want to facilitate and click Start Quiz.
On the Quiz Setup pop up, the Chapter 1 Quiz and Start Quiz items have boxes around them.
  1. The timer (counting up) starts automatically.
  2. Students can navigate through the quiz questions at their own pace.
  3. When you want to stop the quiz, select the Stop button on the iClicker Cloud floating navigation bar.
iClicker Cloud desktop app menu with a box around the stop button.
  1. A popup will ask you whether you want to end the quiz. Select End Quiz.
End quiz pop up with a box around the End Quiz button.

Viewing Pre-Created Quiz Results

  1. You can view the responses and results by clicking Results.
The Results icon has a box around it in the iClicker Cloud desktop app.
  1. When you are done with the quiz, select the back arrow.
The left arrow in the iClicker Cloud desktop app has a box around it.
  1. (Optional) Facilitate another iClicker Cloud activity.
  2. To end the class, select the End button.
The End button in the iClicker Cloud desktop app has a box around it.
  1. To view student grades, navigate to the Gradebook on the iClicker Cloud instructor website.
The Gradebook tab on the iClicker Cloud menu has a box around it.

Accessing Pre-Created Quizzes After Class

Past quizzes will appear under the Past Quizzes tab on the Quizzes page of the iClicker Cloud instructor website.

On the Quizzes webpage on iClicker Cloud, the Past Quizzes tab has a box around it.

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