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Creating a Question Library

What is a Question Library

A question bank is a set of questions, usually organize by topic, chapter or assessment that instructors can pull from to build quizzes with. They can be created by the instructor in CourseLink, provided by a publisher or created using a standard import format and imported into CourseLink. They allow an instructor to build an entire course’s assessment questions quickly and with a consistent layout.

While question libraries can be built by the instructor directly through the quizzes tool; using the Brightspace import format, Respondus standard import format or importing question banks from your publishers, instructors can create large number of assessment questions quickly, which helps provide a better learning experience for students.


Respondus Quiz Tool

CourseLink Technical Support uses Respondus 4.0 to generate question libraries. This tool takes sets of questions from a text file written in a standard format and allows instructors to generate questions almost as fast as they can be typed.

Respondus 4.0 requires a software license - to facilitate instructors; the Office of Open Learning has purchased this software - and will process question sets on behalf of instructors. We cannot provide licenses of Respondus 4.0 to instructors.

To create a question library

  1. Review the Standard Question Format instructions document

  2. Create a set of quiz questions (see the Sample Question Set for an example)

  3. Provide CourseLink Technical Support your question files and include the course you want them to be added to

  4. Access those questions through Quizzes -> Question Library

A red box is on the navbar link "Quizzes" with a red arrow pointing to the Question library that also has a red border box around it.

Using the Brightspace Question Import Format

For the most up-to-date information on how to use the Groups tool, please follow the links below to the Brightspace Help documentation site.

Import questions into Question Library

Tutorial Videos

Quiz FAQs

Related Resources and Programming



Need More Help?

If you're still having trouble, please contact the CourseLink Support team for assistance.


I-CL-ContentGreg Sabatine