Instructors: CourseLink Tools

The information on this page is intended for instructors using a CourseLink course site.


What is the a Widget?

The homepage is the first page you see when you view the organization's My Home page or enter a course. The typical default homepage is widget-based. Widgets are sections of content that provide information and links to tools, courses, and personal settings. Organization and course homepages can point to Brightspace Learning Environment tools, such as Announcements or Content, or an external URL.

Widgets are the building blocks of homepages. You can create, edit, delete, customize, and preview the widgets in your organization.

Accessing the Widget Tool

The Widget tool is found under Course Admin in your Navbar, under Site Setup, if you are sorting tools by category.


Using Widgets

For the most up-to-date information on how to use widgets, please follow the links below to the Brightspace Help documentation site.


When and why should you consider using Widgets?

System widgets are available as part of CourseLink and cannot be edited or deleted, but you can remove them from a homepage or move them to a different section of a homepage using the Homepage Management tool. Additionally, you can change the appearance of system widgets using the same properties as custom widgets (i.e., border style, title bar color and more).

Custom widgets allow you to expand the functionality of available content in your homepages to suit your specific organizational and/or course needs. You can add custom HTML code to create a wide range of widgets.

Tutorial Videos

Related Tools

Need More Help?

If you're still having trouble, please contact the CourseLink Support team for assistance.