Students: CourseLink Tools

My Courses

What is the My Courses Widget?

The My Courses widget resides on the CourseLink My Home page that displays immediately after logging in and displays a list of course sites that a user has or has had access to on CourseLink. It can be used by any user with CourseLink access to to locate and access (provided the course site is currently accessible to their role) specific course sites where they have been granted access. Instructors can also use this widget to customize the course image that has been assigned to their course site.


Accessing the My Courses Widget

The My Courses widget is located on the CourseLink My Home page, which is the page a user lands on right after logging into CourseLink. Each course site to which a user has/had access to will be listed in this widget and will be represented by an image and title.


Using the My Courses Widget

Users can navigate to one of their course sites by clicking the card containing the name and image of a course offerings in this widget.

What Course Sites Are Displayed?

By default up to 12 current and upcoming course sites to which a user’s account has access will display under the All tab. This will include all courses to which a user has access, regardless of what role they have in them. It will also include resource course sites that accounts are automatically enrolled in with no end dates such as General Security Awareness, but will not include course sites that are past their closed date (i.e. course sites from a previous semester).

Locating Specific Course Sites

A user can view all of their course sites by clicking the link to View All Courses located at the bottom of the widget. This link will include a count in parentheses to indicate how many courses you have/had access to on CourseLink.

A user can also select a specific semester from the tabs along the top of the widget to see all the course sites to which you have/had access in that semester. Please note that CourseLink will remember the last selected semester the next time you access My Home/My Courses.


The All Courses Page

Clicking the View All Courses link will also take a user to a the All Courses page where they can search for a specific course via the Find a Course and Advanced Search features.

A user may use the Filter and Sort options to organize and display a custom list of their course sites.

This page also contains the same semester tabs for sorting course sites as are found on the widget.


Past courses will display the date and time access to that course site ended (i.e. Ended April 29, 2019 at 12:00 AM) and indicate that a site is closed in the bottom-left corner of the course image.

Upcoming courses will display the date and time that access to a course site will start for student-level roles (i.e. Starts September 7, 2019 at 12:00 AM).

Currently open course sites will display the end date and time for student and TA access (ie. Ends August 29, 2019 at 12:00 AM). The instructor role will allow access to closed courses.


Access to Course Sites by Role

  • Users with instructor roles in course sites are able to access them at any time, including outside of the start and end dates.

  • Users with teaching assistant roles in course sites are able to access them prior to their start dates, but not after their end dates.

  • Users with student-level roles only have access to course sites between the start and end dates.

Pinning a Course

Pinning a course keeps it on the My Courses widget, regardless of whether it is currently open or closed, which can be handy if you are frequently working on a course site that is not appearing on your My Courses widget by default.

To pin a course to your my courses widget, please follow these steps:

  1. Hover your cursor over the course icon

  2. Select the 3-dot icon that appears

  3. Select Pin

  4. The course pinned will now display in the Pinned tab

Using My Courses to customize your Course Image

The course image is what displays to students as part of the course icon under My Courses. A random stock image is inserted when the course is first created, but it can be updated depending on your preference.

To change your course image, please follow these steps:

  1. Hover your cursor over the course icon

  2. Select the 3-dot icon that appears

  3. Select Change Image


Need More Help?

If you're still having trouble, please contact the CourseLink Support team for assistance.