Students: CourseLink Tools


What is the Quizzes Tool?

Use the Quizzes tool to take a quiz, review your quiz results, and see class statistics for a quiz.

Accessing the Quizzes Tool

Location of the Quizzes link on a face-to-face course site

For Distance Education (DE) courses, the Quizzes link appears under the drop-down menu of the Tools link on the navigation bar (provided that the course is using Quizzes).

Location of the Quizzes link on a DE course site

Using the Quizzes Tool

  1. On the navbar, click Quizzes.

  2. On the Quiz List page, click on the quiz you want to take.

  3. Read the instructions and details for the quiz, and when you're ready, click Start Quiz!.

  4. Answer each question. As you complete the question, the answer will automatically save. You can see which questions have saved answers in the Questions section of the quiz's left panel. You can also click the question number in the quiz's left panel to go back to the question.

  5. To navigate between pages, click Next Page or Previous Page.

  6. Click Go to Submit Quiz after you answer all quiz questions.

  7. If you are not ready to submit the quiz, click the question number in the quiz's left panel to go back to the question or if you are ready to submit the quiz, click Submit Quiz.

Note: Your organization may require you to use the Respondus LockDown Browser® to take quizzes. You can click the Respondus LockDown Browser link in the Quiz Requirements section to download and install it for free. You can then launch your quiz. If you have installed the Respondus LockDown Browser already, the Start Quiz page will open automatically within it.



Students should be able to view their accommodations before starting a quiz. If this is not happening, please contact your instructor to ensure the additional time or accommodations are properly set.

For more information on accommodations and related policies, please refer to the university’s guidelines:
University of Guelph Accommodations.

Tutorial Videos

Quiz Tool FAQs

Need More Help?

If you're still having trouble, please contact the CourseLink Support team for assistance.