Instructors: CourseLink Tools

The information on this page is intended for instructors using a CourseLink course site.

Share OneDrive Video Files via CourseLink’s Content Tool


As more video resources end up on OneDrive via Teams recordings and the OpenEd Zoom Transfer Tool, knowing how to share those video files via CourseLink’s Content tool with proper access permissions is an important skill. This guide will demonstrate the process for instructors to properly link and share a video file from OneDrive on CourseLink.


Getting Video Files on OneDrive

In some cases, such as recorded Teams meetings or Zoom meetings that have been transferred from the Zoom cloud to OneDrive using OpenEd’s Zoom Transfer Tool, video files will already be present on an instructor’s UofG OneDrive account.

If there is a need to add videos to OneDrive from other sources, we would recommend visiting the CCS OneDrive for Business support page or contacting their Help Desk ( or x.58888).


Sharing Videos on OneDrive with a CourseLink Classlist

Any CourseLink site with a Classlist-linked Microsoft Security Group can easily share a OneDrive video file with any students who are on the CourseLink course site’s Classlist.

Please visit our Classlist-linked Microsoft Security Group page for information on how to enable and locate your linked security group code.

Once you have your security group code, please follow the steps below to share your OneDrive video file with any users that appear on your CourseLink course site’s Classlist.

  1. Open a web browser and access Webmail, then use the apps menu (9 squares) to access OneDrive.
Location of OneDrive link in Webmail. There is a 1 in a red circle with a red arrow pointing to 9 squares and a red 2 in a red circle with a red arrow pointing to a Link to OneDrive.
  1. Navigate to My files from the left menu.
Location of the My file link in OneDrive. An Arrow pointing to My Files.
  1. Locate the folder that contains the file you want to share and select it to show the file.
  2. Hover your mouse over the file to reveal and click on the Share icon that appears.
Location of the Share icon for a file in OneDrive. A red arrow pointing to the share button. The share button has a right angle where another arrow is coming from and going to the right.
  1. Enter the security group code for the course site you want to share the video on and wait for OneDrive to locate the matching code, then select it and click Copy link
Locations of: 1. Enter security group code. 2. Search result (to click). 3. Copy link icon
  1. Continue to the next section to learn how to use that copied link in CourseLink’s Content tool.

NOTE: Security groups refresh daily throughout the semester with updated student registrations. It may take up to 24 hours before a new student gains access to a resource shared via a Classlist-linked Microsoft Security Group.


Using the Content Tool to Link to a OneDrive Video File

Once the video file is shared with a course site’s Classlist-linked Microsoft Security Group, you may add it to your CourseLink course site by linking to the video from the Content tool. To do that, please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to CourseLink and access the course site where you want to add a link to a video file shared using a Classlist-linked Microsoft Security group on OneDrive.
  2. Select Content from the navigation bar.
  3. Select or create a module where you would like to add the video link.
Example of selecting a module via CourseLink’s Content tool. A red arrow pointing to an example module.
  1. On the right side of the screen, select the Upload/Create option, then select Create a Link.
Locations of the Upload/Create button and the Create a Link option. There is a 1 in a red circle with a red arrow pointing to the Upload/Create button and a 2 in a red circle with a red arrow pointing to Create a Link.
  1. Enter a title that describes the video’s content and paste in the URL from the link that was generated when the video was shared using the security group code (see the above section Sharing Videos on OneDrive with a CourseLink Classlist), then click Create.
Where to enter the title and url, as well as the location of the Create button. The Title and URL text boxes are in a red border box as well as the Create button in it's own red border box.

Note: Open as External Resource should be selected by default. If it is not, please ensure it is selected.

  1. The video will now be accessible by anyone on that course site’s Classlist via the Content tool.
Example of the added video file link in the content module. It has a red arrow pointing to the "Introduction to the course" link in the Example module.

Need More Help?

If you're still having trouble, please contact the CourseLink Support team for assistance.


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